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Why Motivation is Key to Everything

Sounds grim doesn’t it? Grit and determination are not exactly

normally spoken in the same breath as “fun” or “relaxation!”

Actually though, once you get your motivation and your discipline

sorted, you will find that you have more time to enjoy yourself or

to relax with family.

That’s because you’ll be able to work more

quickly and efficiently, and you’ll be able to work towards the

goals that actually interest you.

I have a real issue with people who say that in order to be

successful you need to sacrifice time with family and friends. It

bothers me when people say they can’t be in a relationship

because they need to “focus on their career.”

The reason this bothers me, is that I 100% believe (and know)

that you can have it both ways. You can work extremely hard on a

project you are passionate about and be extremely successful

doing so. At the same time though, you can still find time to spend

with friends and family. You can still find time to relax on the sofa

and watch TV. You just have to work HARD and work SMART

and then STOP.

And with this kind of motivation and mental toughness will come

all kinds of additional benefits. Benefits you can’t even believe.

Firstly, you’ll find that you’re more resilient to things that happen

in your life. When you get bad news, you will be able to take it in

your stride, adapt, and carry on. When you have more

determination, you’ll be able to improve all your skills through

intense learning, analysis, and repetition. When you have

motivation, you’ll be cognitively faster because you’ll be able to

focus on the task in hand without distraction.

And you’ll be able to get out of bed on time in the morning.

Clear the kitchen at the start of each day. And bite your tongue in an argument because you aren’t a slave to your emotions (resulting

in many hurt feelings prevented).

This will be your superpower.

It will change EVERYTHING for you.

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