Ashley Howells Who am I?! Like most of you I’m still figuring that out. Like many of you, my past does not determine what I am, but it did help me grow into the person I am becoming. Someone with empathy. Compassion. Kindness. Someone who strives to continuously learn, and be better at everything I invest in.
Let me introduce a little more about myself:
My Story
One of the many reasons I started coaching was to help others heal from whatever life trauma they had going on. To help them grow confidence. To help them save themselves.
I am a survivor of sexual assault which lead to some of my darkest days where I fought against suicide and depression, anxiety planted its seed during this trial of my life as well. I would say bodybuilding saved me, but that’s not true… it taught me to save myself.
There was a period in my life where I hated myself. I hated my body. Every time I looked on the mirror I told myself I was weak for allowing myself to be a “victim” of sexual assault. It took me years to realize you are only a victim if you allow yourself to be, you can be a survivor instead. Mindset matters.
My mindset grew as I got deeper into bodybuilding. I wanted to share this. Which is another key reason I started coaching, I had some terrible coaching experiences myself. I started coaching with the intent to change this industry.
Prioritizing mental and physical health without sacrificing success as we chase those big goals set forth. I saw a need for coaches that truly care. That care about their clients mental health, instead of creating body dysmorphia, feeding anxiety, and sprouting eating disorders. I knew there was a better way.
I saw a need for coaches that care about physical health, for coaches who are actually educated and not running clients on bro science, after seeing this bro science land people in the hospital, or creating a situation that would require years of healing to get healthy again. I was one of those clients once. I had a coach that was ignorant and I ignorantly followed his lead, because you hire a coach because you trust them. My mistake was following blindly and not asking questions and not being and advocate for my own health.
I don’t regret it, because it lead me to become the coach I am after overcoming thyroid dysfunction and terrible gut health, not to mention the wide array of other hormones that were out of whack like cortisol and sex hormones. My skin and hair took a hit due to these poor choices. Poor health also feeds depression and anxiety. I was a mess.
I knew there was a better way.
I became that better way. I prioritize checking blood work, actually knowing how to interpret it. I prioritize gut health. Mental health. For all my clients. Together we can change the industry.
I am a full time firefighter/paramedic, I understand chaotic schedules because I live it. I thoroughly enjoy working with first responders and medical professionals because their schedules and stress levels present a unique challenge, that living the lifestyle allows me to help them navigate through.
Prior to becoming a full time firefighter I was in sports physical therapy for 8 years. Then one day I woke up and said life is too short, I needed to chase my dream of becoming a full time firefighter/paramedic. You are never too old to do something that will make you truly happy.
My bodybuilding life summary: I began competing in 2012, I started in bikini 2014 I switched to the figure division 2018 I turned pro 2019 I took 3rd at the Lenda Murray pro 2022 I took 2nd at Texas state pro 2023 I took 2nd at Texas pro 2023 I took 3rd at San Antonio pro. My lifelong goal is to qualify for the Olympia.
Enough about me, now I want to get to know about you and your goals!
Associate of Science
Associate of Physical Therapy Assistant
Paramedic Certificate
J3U Level One certificate
J3U Applied Hypertrophy Optimization
J3UPost Contest; Transition into improvement
J3U Female Specialization
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.