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Understanding Affirmations and How they Work

Affirmations are suggestions and thoughts that you give to

yourself and can be either positive or negative. As you give

yourself these suggestions, you are feeding them into your

subconscious mind, which is what ultimately helps to determine

your mental attitude.

If you feed positive thoughts and suggestions into your

subconscious mind, this will ultimately build a positive or

optimistic mental attitude, and when you constantly feed your

subconscious with good, and happy ideas, your mind begins to

accept these suggestions as reality because your subconscious is

unable to differentiate between your imagination and your reality.

When you consistently inject positive ideas into your

subconscious, it will start to trust them as being the reality, and it

starts to work producing similar thought patterns.

When your thoughts become positive, you start to become more

optimistic about your life and the world around you. Your

thoughts, after all, construct you. By thinking positively, you can

empower yourself and build a healthy mindset and a healthy

frame of mind that is always thinking of growth, development, and

new ideas.

A positive mindset will give you the strength and courage to

believe in yourself and follow your dreams. Additionally, positive

attracts positive opportunities. When you create a positive thought

in your mind, it moves out and starts drawing towards you helpful

and constructive opportunities that can help you fulfill your goals.

This is how positive affirmations work, and why using them daily

will gradually turn you into a vibrantly positive individual.

On the other hand, if you are constantly feeding negativity into

your mind, you should only expect to have a negative mental


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