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How to Meal Plan and Hit your Goals

Meal planning has always been the most daunting and overwhelming part of healthy living. Let’s face it, not all of us have the time, energy, funds or organization skills to be successful with meal prepping.

Unfortunately, if you continue to eat a diet high in bad sugars and processed foods then reaching your fitness goals will be nearly impossible. Having your meals planned and prepped for the week can ensure you’re getting all the nutrients you need to reach your goals with optimal success and ease! Let’s start off with defining what meal planning is…… Meal prepping/planning is the organization/preparation of your meals at the beginning of each week and then are portioned out to be easily brought with you to work, gym, school, etc. How is Meal prep beneficial? In the fast pace of today’s society, we miss many of the nutrients we need to run our diet. Meal prepping allows you to prep the foods that contain essential nutrients to build muscle and lose fat tissue. You can control your calories, hit your target macros and feel in control! Improving your diet is essential to meeting your health and fitness goals. Decide What Meals to Plan For If you’re living a busy life or simply want to take the stress out of eating, decide what how many meals in a day you’re going to want to prep for. Don’t try and tackle 5-6 meals a day for a week at a time right off the bat, this can lead to frustration and overwhelming feelings. Many accomplishments are found with small steps. Start off prepping your lunch and two snacks for the day. This way you are going to avoid snacking at work or on your way home. Eating healthy at work or during your day will make you feel energized and more alert ready to crush it at work with a strong workout at the end of the day. Components of a Balanced Meal Lets start with what a health and balanced meal should look like. Keep in mind all the components of a balanced meal while planning out your menu and shopping list.

  • Proteins should be 1-2 palms of lean animal or plan based protein.

  • Carbs should be 1-2 cupped hands of proper complex carbohydrates – oats, quinoa, blueberries, sweet potato.

  • Vegetables should be 1-2 fists and always include a serving of green veg.

  • Healthy Fats should be 1-2 thumbs – nuts, avocado, plant oils.

Make the Grocery List & Set a Day Having a list prepared + a set day (Sundays) for your adventure to the store is going to be your savior. Too often we do spontaneous trips, shop while hungry and shop without direction. We buy what looks good or what is talking to us rather than what we need for our healthy meals. Finding those recipes and balanced meal ideas will help you spend less time and money in the store. This will help you create those healthy meals to succeed with your fitness goals. Cooking Timeline Make this step easy for yourself, if you can break it up over two days. This way your going to have more time to do other things if you break it up. Cook your proteins and carbs in bulk, use a slow cooker, instant pot, the oven, microwave rice cooker, etc. Let everything cool and then place into large containers and put away for tomorrow. The next day is when you can portion out meals.

  1. Starches: Start by cooking up your grains like rice or potato. You can use these as a base or add as sides to salads or lighter bites. Allocate at least 20-50 mins for this; cooking time will vary depending on the grain and size of the batch.

  2. Protein: In the meantime, you can start preparing your protein. Start marinating your meats, fish or tofu, then either bake, fry or roast. This can take 20-60 mins depending on the protein choice.

  3. Veggies: Prep your veggies by cutting, chopping and washing them. Ideally have three containers, first one for chopped veg that you can use for snacks. The second container can be used for finely chopped veg that can be used for sandwiches or salads. The finally the third container can be used for vegetables that will need to be cooked (they can also be swapped for frozen).

SUMMARY Meal Planning Tips

  • Plan by looking at the week ahead and decide which days/meals you will need to prep for

  • Use the weekly meal planner and shopping list you’ve created to plan your meals and shopping for the week ahead

  • Go grocery shopping with your list in hand, don’t buy anything that is not on the list.

  • Cook your meals and prep any other ingredients necessary for the week ahead.

  • Store your prepped meals and ingredients in the fridge until required.

Meal Prepping Tips

  • Start off by cooking meals you are already familiar with

  • Gather a list of your favourite recipes, ones that are simple and tasty, ones you can make time and time again.

  • Look for recipes that can be batch cooked or easily doubled so that you can use leftovers for lunches.

  • Look for recipes that ingredients you already have in your cupboard

  • Keep your meals simple by keeping them up to 4-5 ingredients

  • Don’t keep you prepped meals for longer than 3-4 days (unless in freezer)

  • Make sure you have a good selection of reusable containers, preferable microwave and dishwasher safe.

  • When your fruit or veg start to get very ripe, chop them up, free and use for smoothies, soups or stews.

Remember Reach Your Goals By Creating New Habits & Take Actions Towards A Healthier You! Follow These Meal Planning/Prep Tips to reach your goals!

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